This was my first time seeing dance performance in New York. I did not what to expect out of it. When I went inside the St.Mark's church, it was not how I pictured it would be in the first place. And through out the whole performance I was very confused. Even after Q&A time, I did not have anything to say.
But I remember this part where one performer reads and sings while other performer shows his sadness through dancing. Later on thorough research I realized that it was the modernized act from Greek Mythology called Antigone. To be honest, I did not really feel anything about the performance. I tried to understand but failed. Hopefully if I go see more performances I will get the sense of dance performances? Art is such a broad and creative world I will never understand them all!
2012년 10월 8일 월요일
King Arthur
Story of King Arthur is very well known, probably over used. I read it in book, saw a movie and cartoon of it, and heard that there is also a musical version of King Arthur. It has been awhile since I read King Arthur so when I read it again recently I suspected certain things about the meaning of 'true king.' After all, my mind is all focused on kings and queens.
It was a whole different experience reading King Arthur again. Before then, I remembered him as a chosen king that drew out Excalibur from the stone. I would expect him to be very wise and brave naturally because he was meant to be a great king of Britain. But as I was reading, Arthur seemed more like a gilded person. Only has the title of King and treated as a King because of Merlin, the great sorcerer said so. Nobody believed nor accepted Arthur as their King until Merlin tells them the story of Arthur. Merlin tells them that the boy's birth was no ordinary like others. He talks about what kind of blood Arthur has, and how he was blessed with many gifts from magical creatures that people can not see. People fall for that and suddenly respects Arthur and supports his authority as their King. This can not be done in today's society. However, in North Korea they believe that their leader Kim Jung Il was chosen by God and not an ordinary person. They worship him and obey him. It is not quite the same for Arthur, however. Most of the time, Merlin gets into Arthur's way and somehow manipulates. Whenever Merlin wants to change Arthur's mind, he says that it is all written in the future. What does exactly the King does? How do they become a King? It is very sure that they do not have to be wise or powerful to be a king. Rather, they need to have someone more powerful but yet not exposed in the real world. It is not the King that people respect, but it is the magical power and God's power. King is just the figure that delivers the messages.

It is not a surprise that there are no more Kings. People got educated and come to the sense that there are no such thing as chosen one. There are someone who is good at things, but that does not mean they are gifted by elves or was ascended from above.
This is why I come to the conclusion that no other king is greater than God. King of all kings. Human lack something at some point. But only God is just and mighty. I know I sound religious, but that is how I feel about King. There is only one King. And I am very glad to serve him as my King : )
Presentations of Self in Everyday Life
First impression.
It is said that first impression is very important when you start a new relationship with someone in life.
And there are more than just give them good impressions, it varies depends on who you are meeting and what role you will play.
When I was in Korea, I used to work at the kindergarten and was in charge of 7 year olds. I love children and love playing with them. So on the first day with them, I tried to be as nice as possible. They loved me for playing with them and became more friendly with me. But later on, when it comes to teaching, they seem to not care. They did not take seriousness of my teaching and I got upset. After realizing the seriousness of the problem, I have decided to be a strict teacher to them. It took me very long to get my authority as a teacher. That time I realized that I should have done this on the first day of class.
It is very interesting how people react to changes. When you are nice at first and eventually become demanding, you are likely to be ignored or hated by others. But if you are demanding and being difficult at first, people will appreciate you when you be nice to them later on.
What people think about me often determine myself even though it might not be correct.
Be true about myself. Be who you are. Be you. How can one express themselves fully by just being? I guess this leads to stereotype also. Sadly, even thought how much we hate to fall into certain category there is no way we can get out of being judged and fit into other's stereotypes.
To make a good impression there is only one way. We all know how to be good and what is good. But the key is can we keep on doing that?
It is said that first impression is very important when you start a new relationship with someone in life.
And there are more than just give them good impressions, it varies depends on who you are meeting and what role you will play.
When I was in Korea, I used to work at the kindergarten and was in charge of 7 year olds. I love children and love playing with them. So on the first day with them, I tried to be as nice as possible. They loved me for playing with them and became more friendly with me. But later on, when it comes to teaching, they seem to not care. They did not take seriousness of my teaching and I got upset. After realizing the seriousness of the problem, I have decided to be a strict teacher to them. It took me very long to get my authority as a teacher. That time I realized that I should have done this on the first day of class.
It is very interesting how people react to changes. When you are nice at first and eventually become demanding, you are likely to be ignored or hated by others. But if you are demanding and being difficult at first, people will appreciate you when you be nice to them later on.
What people think about me often determine myself even though it might not be correct.
Be true about myself. Be who you are. Be you. How can one express themselves fully by just being? I guess this leads to stereotype also. Sadly, even thought how much we hate to fall into certain category there is no way we can get out of being judged and fit into other's stereotypes.
To make a good impression there is only one way. We all know how to be good and what is good. But the key is can we keep on doing that?
Queens of Language: Paris is Burning
Burning paris.... What is burning Paris?
But when I looked it up I got the gist of what it was but not completely understood.
I have to say this is a very odd culture in my point of view. I meet some gay people on the street in New York sometimes but never had an idea that they had their own culture. Most of all I was very surprise to see that they exaggerate their looks as if their outfits and make ups speaks who they are. It seems like anybody can be what they are if he/she dress up in overwhelming outfit or puts on too much makeup.
When I first arrived in New York, I was very dazed off from looking at people. There were so many interesting people that I could not take my eyes off! After 3 years, it still is pretty interesting how diverse it is.
Vogue-ing their outrageous looks very serious to them. I am not very into fashion myself, so I can not say rather they have great taste in clothes. Which is first, them wearing unusual outfits and heavy makeups or thinking that they will wear something very different from us so we can define them? I can not say which is first, since I do not completely know their cultures.
New Yorkers wear black. California girls wear Holisters. These are some standards we have. And somehow people listen to that and wear what they are expected to wear to show where they come from. I am guessing that takes huge part in Burning Paris and Drag Queen Balls. But again, I can not judge.
Oh! Behave!

I struggled to fit in and have normal conversation with my American friends while in high school. There were so many things I did not know. When they talk about cartoons, comedy shows or dramas in their youth, it got worse. So eventually I had to cram in all the basic knowledge about American culture by listening to my friends, or actually seeing them myself. Now I can talk about certain dramas or cartoons, but still I feel like I do not fully understand them.
Austin Powers series is another example. I have heard about Austin Powers series many times but never tried to actually rent the dvd or find clips from youtube. I had this stereotype that most American films contain sexual things. So I was not very surprised when I watched this episode about 'penis enlarger,' of Austin Powers Series.
Why do guys want to show off or sometimes hide their sexual abilities? Do girls really take interest in that when they first see a guy? Even if they do, is it really necessary for guys to expose like that? Maybe this is the major culture difference I feel. Mostly in Korea, TV shows have many rules to keep. They can not use profanity or sexual contents in public shows. In movies, there are no certain rules, but Koreans tend to feel very unpleasant to see or hear profanity and sexual contents on the big screen.
As I was going through some clips from Austin Powers, I realized that this certain character, drag king, makes guys that craves sex look very normal. It could give false idea to women that all men are like Austin Powers. To men, it gives them more rights to expose and talk about their sexual abilities or needs without hesitate.
Brain Storming
definition from Webster Dictionary.
definition from Webster Dictionary.
definition from Webster Dictionary.
a : the wife or widow of a king
b : the wife or widow of a tribal chief
a : a female monarch
definition from Webster Dictionary.
a male sovereign or monarch; a man who holds by lifetenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authorityover a country and people.
( initial capital letter ) God or Christ.
a person or thing preeminent in its class: a king of actors.
Kings and Queens are such strong words. Words themselves represent power and ultimate authority. Since most countries do not have kings or queens nowadays, we tend to exaggerate or often parody the terms kings and queens.(e.g. drag king, drag queen)
Or when someone excel in certain area or is an expert on certain thing we call he/she King or Queen of that area or thing. Which is very different from the ruler era, because no other person could be announced as King or Queen. There should be only one King, one Queen. If we use it freely to anybody, the words themselves lose its meaning. Total authority is gone.
Personally I do not think there are no more Kings and Queens in our society. So many things have changed. People claimed their freedom and as more and more they fought for it the meaning of Kings and Queens decreased. Crowns and scepters forever belongs to the museums now. Thinking that everybody has rights decreases the meaning of kings and queens.
2012년 10월 6일 토요일
Theses are the styles that I love. I have not decided how to paint or what medium to use for my thesis.
But personally, I love to make my arts in 3D so I am planning to make it into a puppet show.
In order to do that, I am planning to research on puppet histories, and marionettes.
King David
This is my blog for Thesis.
For my thesis, I have chosen King David.
He was the 2nd king of Israel and ruled for 40 years.
He was a shepherd, musician, poet, soldier, ruler, prophet and king.
He was very loved by God and also the ancestor of Jesus.
He is well known for killing Goliath and winning the battle.
He won many battles. He was always aware of God and tried hard to please him and follow his ways.
The Bible talks a lot about his life and contains many of his poems and praises for God.
As a christian, I really admire David. He was very wise and committed to God.

Praise God in my everyday life is not that easy. Especially now that the world is very against christianity.
That is why I want to do my major project, Thesis on King David.
I really do not care much about hanging my piece in the show at the end of the school year.
I am going to do my best in God and will learn more about David. That is my goal.
Gift of art was given to me and I want to use it to thank God.
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