Story of King Arthur is very well known, probably over used. I read it in book, saw a movie and cartoon of it, and heard that there is also a musical version of King Arthur. It has been awhile since I read King Arthur so when I read it again recently I suspected certain things about the meaning of 'true king.' After all, my mind is all focused on kings and queens.

It was a whole different experience reading King Arthur again. Before then, I remembered him as a chosen king that drew out Excalibur from the stone. I would expect him to be very wise and brave naturally because he was meant to be a great king of Britain. But as I was reading, Arthur seemed more like a gilded person. Only has the title of King and treated as a King because of Merlin, the great sorcerer said so. Nobody believed nor accepted Arthur as their King until Merlin tells them the story of Arthur. Merlin tells them that the boy's birth was no ordinary like others. He talks about what kind of blood Arthur has, and how he was blessed with many gifts from magical creatures that people can not see. People fall for that and suddenly respects Arthur and supports his authority as their King. This can not be done in today's society. However, in North Korea they believe that their leader Kim Jung Il was chosen by God and not an ordinary person. They worship him and obey him. It is not quite the same for Arthur, however. Most of the time, Merlin gets into Arthur's way and somehow manipulates. Whenever Merlin wants to change Arthur's mind, he says that it is all written in the future. What does exactly the King does? How do they become a King? It is very sure that they do not have to be wise or powerful to be a king. Rather, they need to have someone more powerful but yet not exposed in the real world. It is not the King that people respect, but it is the magical power and God's power. King is just the figure that delivers the messages.
It is not a surprise that there are no more Kings. People got educated and come to the sense that there are no such thing as chosen one. There are someone who is good at things, but that does not mean they are gifted by elves or was ascended from above.
This is why I come to the conclusion that no other king is greater than God. King of all kings. Human lack something at some point. But only God is just and mighty. I know I sound religious, but that is how I feel about King. There is only one King. And I am very glad to serve him as my King : )
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