2012년 11월 12일 월요일

The Lie Factory & Fear of a Black President

The Lie Factory

Politic is really not my thing. I never understood economics and politics when I learned them in high school. But as I grow older I realized I need to know what is going on and what benefits I can get from the politics. Since I am registered to vote for this year's election, I was very interested to read this article. But yet, I could not understand most of it....
I am assuming that what people hear now and want to see about politics are very fictional and politicians are trying to make that happen?

Fear of Black President

in 2008 election, I was counting votes as volunteer. And now,it is 2012 and I am waiting to vote myself in New York. Election policy and presidencies are different from country to country so I was surprised that we had to go to school on election day. In Korea, we do not go to school or work on election day. And also, formal president can not run again for the next term. Which is, i think, the reason why presidents give up easily and wait for the next president to fix the problems.
I really think it is reasonable to have a good president for many years without changing. I feel stable and safe about experienced president. I have not listened to all the speeches of candidates but have seen plenty of articles, slogans and movie clips about them.
During Obama's presidency, I could not imagine how hard it would have been for him to be the first black president. He was very wise and stayed in the middle of racial issues. I think it was very smart of him to not to take side of his own race because that will cause so much chaos. But at the same time he must have felt very sorry for those who believed that he will change everything about the racism.
We have to recognize that he is in very tough situation. Obama has to work twice as hard to be a respectable president by all people. I am sure that there must be many people out there who does not like him at all.
But I think this is a chance to break the stereotype on races. As a full Korean, I sometimes feel very uncomfortable when others try to fit me into stereotypes. In this case, Trayvon Martin was killed because of it. It must have been the hardest moment for the president to say things about this accident. I mean,,, what can he say? Even though he knows what to say he did not say it directly.

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